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25 janvier 2013 à 04:43 : (discussion) a déclenché le filtre filtre 0 en effectuant l’action « edit » sur Insecte. Actions entreprises : Interdire la modification ; Description du filtre : (examiner)

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C'est le type qui se mélange avec le plus d'autres types. Cependant la grande majorité sont Insecte pur ou Insecte/vol ou Insecte/Poison. ==Général== ===Symboles=== {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" |- ! style="vertical-align:middle; width:200px" | Jeu d'utilisation ! style="vertical-align:middle; width:150px" | Image |- | style="vertical-align:middle" | [[Troisième génération]] | style="vertical-align:middle" | [[Fichier:Type miniat insecte.png]] |- | style="vertical-align:middle" rowspan="2" | [[Quatrième génération]] | style="vertical-align:middle" | [[Fichier:Type miniat insecte.png]] |- | style="vertical-align:middle" | [[Pokédex]] : [[Fichier:Type insecte - symbole Pokédex.png]] |- | style="vertical-align:middle" | [[Cinquième génération]] | style="vertical-align:middle" | [[Fichier:Miniat type insecte.png]] |- | style="vertical-align:middle" | [[Pokémon Battrio]] | style="vertical-align:middle" | [[Fichier:Type insecte battrio.png|20px]] |} ===[[Table des types]]=== {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; caption-side: bottom;" |+ Les types non répertoriés ont une efficacité normale |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="3" | Pokémon de type Insecte |- ! colspan="2" | Faibles aux types || Résistants aux types |- | {{type|feu}} - {{type|roche}} - {{type|vol}} || [[Première génération|1G]] : {{type|poison}} || {{type|plante}} - {{type|combat}} - {{type|sol}} |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="3" | Attaques de type Insecte |- ! colspan="2" | Très efficace sur les types || Peu efficace sur les types |- | {{type|psy}} - {{type|ténèbres}} - {{type|plante}} || [[Première génération|1G]] : {{type|poison}} || {{type|acier}} - {{type|feu}} - {{type|combat}} - {{type|vol}} - {{type|poison}} - {{type|spectre}} |} ===Statistiques=== ====Tous les Pokémon==== {{Statistiques type | type=Insecte | PV=57 | attaque=68.45 | défense=70.83 | atq-spé=55.05 | déf-spé=64.91 | vitesse=60.67 }} ====Uniquement les évolutions finales==== {{Statistiques type | titre=évo finale | type=Insecte | PV=66.36 | attaque=83.78 | défense=81.72 | atq-spé=70.06 | déf-spé=80.64 | vitesse=72.22 }} ===Utilisation=== * [[Hector]], champion d'arène d'[[Ecorcia]] ([[Johto]]) ; * [[Aaron]], membre du Conseil 4 de [[Sinnoh]] ; * [[Artie]], champion d'arène de [[Volucité]] ([[Unys]]). == Pokémon de type Insecte == Il existe en tout 66 Pokémon de type Insecte, toutes générations confondues. Cependant, le fait que les Pokémon Insecte évoluent souvent 3 fois tronque un peu ce nombre. En réalité, très peu sont utilisés dans une équipe tactique, par exemple [[Scarhino]], [[Cizayox]], [[Foretress]] ou encore [[Pyrax]]. La plus puissante attaque du type Insecte est [[Mégacorne]]. {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="700px" ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | Pokémon sans double-type |- | 010 {{miniature|010}} [[Chenipan]] || 011 {{miniature|011}} [[Chrysacier]] || 127 {{miniature|127}} [[Scarabrute]] || 204 {{miniature|204}} [[Pomdepik]] |- | 265 {{miniature|265}} [[Chenipotte]] || 266 {{miniature|266}} [[Armulys]] || 268 {{miniature|268}} [[Blindalys]] || 313 {{miniature|313}} [[Muciole]] |- | 314 {{miniature|314}} [[Lumivole]] || 401 {{miniature|401}} [[Crikzik]] || 402 {{miniature|402}} [[Mélokrik]] || 412 {{miniature|412}} [[Cheniti]] |- | 493 {{miniature|493}} [[Arceus]]{{Infobulle|[[Plaquinsect|*]]|S'il tient la Plaquinsect uniquement}} || 588 {{miniature|588}} [[Carabing]] || 616 {{miniature|616}} [[Escargaume]] || 617 {{miniature|617}} [[Limaspeed]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Acier]]/Insecte |- | 205 {{miniature|205}} [[Foretress]] || 212 {{miniature|212}} [[Cizayox]] || 413 {{miniature|413|d}} [[Cheniselle]]{{Infobulle|[[Forme|*]]|Si Cheniti a évolué sous sa forme Déchet uniquement}} || 589 {{miniature|589}} [[Lançargot]] |- | colspan="2" | 632 {{miniature|632}} [[Fermite]] || colspan="2" | 649 {{miniature|649}} [[Genesect]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Combat]]/Insecte |- | colspan="4" | 214 {{miniature|214}} [[Scarhino]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Eau]]/Insecte |- | colspan="4" | 283 {{miniature|283}} [[Arakdo]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Électrique (type)|Électrique]]/Insecte |- | colspan="2" | 595 {{miniature|595}} [[Statitik]] || colspan="2" | 593 {{miniature|596}} [[Mygavolt]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Feu (type)|Feu]]/Insecte |- | colspan="2" | 636 {{miniature|636}} [[Pyronille]] || colspan="2" | 637 {{miniature|637}} [[Pyrax]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Plante (type)|Plante]]/Insecte |- | 046 {{miniature|046}} [[Paras]] || 047 {{miniature|047}} [[Parasect]] || 413 {{miniature|413}} [[Cheniselle]]{{Infobulle|[[Forme|*]]|Si Cheniti a évolué sous sa forme Plante uniquement}} || 540 {{miniature|540}} [[Larveyette]] |- | colspan="2" | 541 {{miniature|541}} [[Couverdure]] || colspan="2" | 542 {{miniature|542}} [[Manternel]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Poison (type)|Poison]]/Insecte |- | 013 {{miniature|013}} [[Aspicot]] || 014 {{miniature|014}} [[Coconfort]] || 015 {{miniature|015}} [[Dardargnan]] || 048 {{miniature|048}} [[Mimitoss]] |- | 049 {{miniature|049}} [[Aéromite]] || 167 {{miniature|167}} [[Mimigal]] || 168 {{miniature|168}} [[Migalos]] || 269 {{miniature|269}} [[Papinox]] |- | 451 {{miniature|451}} [[Rapion]] || 543 {{miniature|543}} [[Venipatte]] || 544 {{miniature|544}} [[Scobolide]] || {{miniature|545}} [[Brutapode]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Roche (type)|Roche]]/Insecte |- | 213 {{miniature|213}} [[Caratroc]] || 347 {{miniature|347}} [[Anorith]] || 348 {{miniature|348}} [[Armaldo]] || 557 {{miniature|557}} [[Crabicoque]] |- | 558 colspan="4" | {{miniature|558}} [[Crabaraque]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Sol]]/Insecte |- | colspan="2" | 290 {{miniature|290}} [[Ningale]] || colspan="2" | 413 {{miniature|413|s}} [[Cheniselle]]{{Infobulle|[[Forme|*]]|Si Cheniti a évolué sous sa forme Sable uniquement}} |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Spectre]]/Insecte |- | colspan="4" | 292 {{miniature|292}} [[Munja]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Vol (type)|Vol]]/Insecte |- | 012 {{miniature|012}} [[Papilusion]] || 123 {{miniature|123}} [[Insécateur]] ||165 {{miniature|165}} [[Coxy]] || 166 {{miniature|166}} [[Coxyclaque]] |- | 193 {{miniature|193}} [[Yanma]] || 267 {{miniature|267}} [[Charmillon]] || 284 {{miniature|284}} [[Maskadra]] || 291 {{miniature|291}} [[Ninjask]] |- | 414 {{miniature|414}} [[Papilord]] || 415 {{miniature|415}} [[Apitrini]] || 416 {{miniature|416}} [[Apireine]] ||469 {{miniature|469}} [[Yanméga]] |- |} ==Attaques de type Insecte== La meilleure attaque de type insecte est Mégacorne avec sa puissance de 120 malgré un léger manque de précision : 85%. Viennent ensuite Appel Attack (physique) et Bourdon (spécial), tous deux ayant 90 de puissance pour une précision optimale. Rayon Signal est parfois vu en stratégie sur certains Pokémon psy. Enfin, Demi-Tour est sans doute la plus fréquente des attaques insectes, moins pour sa puissance, passable mais sans plus de 70, que pour sa formidable capacité à demander un switch une fois les dégâts infligés. Et donc à permettre l'envoi d'un contre approprié face à un éventuel switch, tout en ayant attaqué. {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | Physique |- | [[Vampirisme]] || [[Dard-Nuée]] || [[Double Dard]] || [[Piqûre]] |- | [[Demi-Tour]] || [[Plaie-Croix]] || [[Appel Attak]] || [[Mégacorne]] |- | [[Taillade]] || colspan="2" | [[Survinsecte]] || [[Bulldoboule]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | Spécial |- | [[Vent Argenté]] || colspan="2" | [[Rayon Signal]] || [[Bourdon]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | Statut |- | [[Sécrétion]] || [[Papillodanse]] || [[Appel Defens]] || [[Appel Soins]] |- | colspan="2" | [[PoudreFureur]] || colspan="2" | [[Lumiqueue]] |} {{Types}} [[Catégorie:Type]] [[Catégorie:Pokémon de type Insecte|*]] {{#set:Catégorie du type=Physique}} <!-- liens un peu particuliers --> [[Equivalent URI::| ]] [[de:Käfer (Typ)]] [[en:Bug (type)]] [[es:Tipo Bicho]] [[it:Coleottero (tipo)]] [[ja:むし]] [[pl:Robak (typ)]] [[pt:Tipo Bug]]' ], 18 => [ 0 => 'AFPData', 1 => 'string', 2 => ' <a href=>cheap ugg boots</a> Thick snow boots to have a blind spirits feel warm and detestable. 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Numerous riot 2 parents been sent to the central Moscow Square to avoid the demonstration from takingnike dunk place. <a href=>cheap ugg boots</a> The boot attributes a soft foam insole covered with authentic sheepskin and contains a glow and supple outsole created for refreshing comfort with every action. Result in the decisive fashion statement this year using your Ugg boots. To generate your outfit definitely stand above the competition it just will take the fantastic set of two Uggs. Pilotos de caça da Segunda Guerra Mundial usavam um estilo semelhante de inicialização enquanto em combate. E antes disso, os australianos amarrado restos de pele de ovelha em torno de seus pés enquanto trabalha ao ar livre, porque a pele de ovinos mantidos seus pés quentes. É ainda disse que o nome, ugg, é curto para a palavra, feia. <a href=>ugg boots sale</a> 10 sections wonderful shape, rough rivets, delicate straps, calm carved pattern, inlaid boots mouth, boots and uppers, with reddish brown or brown lightly high-quality leather, vague metallic luster with light and angle change subtle changes somewhat reckless joy and their own entertainment fun. Lace can best embody the the lady soft style decoration, but also the information of the 2010 hot, completely without just wild, live music softened, while using kind of Painting came 7 models encrusted lace boots interpreted more variable is thin as onion skin veil ancient thick braid, or direct pressure skin pattern, revealing a little bit of decent elegant taste. With small round head and pointed shape helps to make the rich 18th-century palace retro blowing, the miscroscopic princess's sweet to feed up.. <a href=>ugg boots outlet</a> After some luck, a willingness to spend long hours on the Internet and in low priced merchants, you are able to find an economical UGG. It would seem like if you tried to by the minimal value UGG boot in July it could be simpler to perform compared with December. When all claimed and done, its great and sizzling outdoors, so what on earth probable motive would most of the people today need to use a incredibly hot boot? Perfectly, trend won't hold out for off-seasons. For ladies, what else is significant? That is certainly: the snow boots. Visualize that within the cold winter, wearing a set of snow boots will keep yourself warm along with give others warmth. You can use this short cotton-padded jacket, an attractive short dress along with the black stockings. <a href=>cheap uggs uk</a> Own ideas in your mind, desire to may be achieved. Methods think the thought is. According to my observation very often on home selling handbags, serious discrepancies within the proportion of sales and Evaluation, is usually to leverage the time difference I merely said brush sales. Counters on a pair of genuine snow boots price which range from 1,500 yuan to a few,000 yuan, while the reporter casually in a few of the major domestic e-commerce site search "UGG" keywords, will probably be out a lot of the tariff of only one or two hundred counterfeit Uggs Reporter survey found, only in Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, Gaoqiao Town, the footwear enterprises active in many than 150 counterfeit UGG living, known as "the nation's largest imitation brand the UGG production base" In 2010 At the outset of 4 seasons, the the Ningbo Beilun Public Security Bureau and also the Commerce and Industry Branch seized along with the network of sellers to market counterfeit Ugg boot cases, the store owner, said the provision will come from Zhenjiang, Wenzhou factory network tariff of only 120 yuan some, the law enforcement officers on the spot seized four trucks from Putian, Fujian fake "UGG snow boots sometimes more shocking, the Trade and Industry Bureau designated warehouse actually Tuen stood thousands and thousands of pairs of UGG seized counterfeit boots Why fake UGG will end up quite popular, in addition to the cheap outside inside the interview, the reporter discovered that many Chinese individuals are actually confuse UGG snow boots collectively, or perhaps a company's brand products, inside the buying process often misleading businesses. Traditional handmade boots UGG actually descends from Australian sheep wool is usually a generic term for "Sheepskin Boots", in China, typically referred to as snow boots. UGG sheepskin boots history goes back towards the 1920s rural Australia, Australian farmers wrapped feet warm with your shoes; Ww 1, the Australian pilot with two items of sheepskin wrapped in to the shoes to use inside the feet warm; 1960s surfer to use a pair of boots to warm soak within the sea a lengthy foot, surfing makes this simple-minded round boots gradually become popular; 70s from the 20th century, this sort of sheepskin wool one hand boots collectively referred to as UGG, and gradually formed a unified name for a U.S. <a href=>ugg boots uk</a> Design for the sneaker is amongst the explanation why it is so popular. If you have phone Ultimate 81,you can be receiving a shoe that's like art around the feet. The colorways which can be louboutin boots sale are great, prices are one of the lowest in addition to of all you can find FREE SHIPPING. It has a short life expectancy. Like so many other considerations, the concept of cool is now slicker and prepackaged. It is signified by popular culture knowledge and over a passing knowledge of slang.' ], 19 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'diff', 2 => [ 0 => 'old_wikitext', 1 => 'new_wikitext' ] ], 20 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'length', 2 => [ 0 => 'new_wikitext' ] ], 21 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'length', 2 => [ 0 => 'old_wikitext' ] ], 22 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'subtract', 2 => [ 0 => 'new_size', 1 => 'old_size' ] ], 23 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'diff-split', 2 => [ 0 => 'edit_diff', 1 => '+' ] ], 24 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'diff-split', 2 => [ 0 => 'edit_diff', 1 => '-' ] ], 25 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'links-from-wikitext', 2 => [ 0 => 0, 1 => 'Insecte', 2 => 'new_wikitext' ] ], 26 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'links-from-wikitext-or-database', 2 => [ 0 => 0, 1 => 'Insecte', 2 => 'old_wikitext' ] ], 27 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'link-diff-added', 2 => [ 0 => 'old_links', 1 => 'all_links' ] ], 28 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'link-diff-removed', 2 => [ 0 => 'old_links', 1 => 'all_links' ] ], 29 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'parse-wikitext', 2 => [ 0 => 0, 1 => 'Insecte', 2 => 'new_wikitext' ] ], 30 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'strip-html', 2 => [ 0 => 'new_html' ] ], 31 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'parse-wikitext-nonedit', 2 => [ 0 => 0, 1 => 'Insecte', 2 => 'old_wikitext' ] ], 32 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'strip-html', 2 => [ 0 => 'old_html' ] ], 33 => [ 0 => 'AFPData', 1 => 'string', 2 => 'filter' ], 34 => [ 0 => 'AFPData', 1 => 'int', 2 => 1359089038 ] ]