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16 septembre 2012 à 09:04 : (discussion) a déclenché le filtre filtre 0 en effectuant l’action « edit » sur Insecte. Actions entreprises : Interdire la modification ; Description du filtre : (examiner)

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C'est le type qui se mélange avec le plus d'autres types. Cependant la grande majorité sont Insecte pur ou Insecte/vol ou Insecte/Poison. ==Général== ===Symboles=== {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" |- ! style="vertical-align:middle; width:200px" | Jeu d'utilisation ! style="vertical-align:middle; width:150px" | Image |- | style="vertical-align:middle" | [[Troisième génération]] | style="vertical-align:middle" | [[Fichier:Type miniat insecte.png]] |- | style="vertical-align:middle" rowspan="2" | [[Quatrième génération]] | style="vertical-align:middle" | [[Fichier:Type miniat insecte.png]] |- | style="vertical-align:middle" | [[Pokédex]] : [[Fichier:Type insecte - symbole Pokédex.png]] |- | style="vertical-align:middle" | [[Cinquième génération]] | style="vertical-align:middle" | [[Fichier:Miniat type insecte.png]] |- | style="vertical-align:middle" | [[Pokémon Battrio]] | style="vertical-align:middle" | [[Fichier:Type insecte battrio.png|20px]] |} ===Statistiques=== ====Tous les Pokémon==== {{Statistiques type | type=Insecte | PV=57 | attaque=68.45 | défense=70.83 | atq-spé=55.05 | déf-spé=64.91 | vitesse=60.67 }} ====Uniquement les évolutions finales==== {{Statistiques type | titre=évo finale | type=Insecte | PV=66.36 | attaque=83.78 | défense=81.72 | atq-spé=70.06 | déf-spé=80.64 | vitesse=72.22 }} ===[[Table des types]]=== {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; caption-side: bottom;" |+ Les types non répertoriés ont une efficacité normale |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="3" | Pokémon de type Insecte |- ! colspan="2" | Faibles aux types || Résistants aux types |- | {{type|feu}} - {{type|roche}} - {{type|vol}} || [[Première génération|1G]] : {{type|poison}} || {{type|plante}} - {{type|combat}} - {{type|sol}} |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="3" | Attaques de type Insecte |- ! colspan="2" | Très efficace sur les types || Peu efficace sur les types |- | {{type|psy}} - {{type|ténèbres}} - {{type|plante}} || [[Première génération|1G]] : {{type|poison}} || {{type|acier}} - {{type|feu}} - {{type|combat}} - {{type|vol}} - {{type|poison}} - {{type|spectre}} |} ===Utilisation=== * Hector, champion de l'arène d'Ecorcia (Johto) * Aaron, membre du Conseil 4 de Sinnoh * Artie, champion de l'arène de Volucité (Unys) == Pokémon de type Insecte == Il existe en tout 66 Pokémon de type Insecte, toutes générations confondues. Cependant, le fait que les Pokémon Insecte évoluent souvent 3 fois tronque un peu ce nombre. En réalité, très peu sont utilisés dans une équipe tactique : on citera par exemple [[Scarhino]], [[Cizayox]], [[Foretress]] ou encore [[Pyrax]]. La plus puissante attaque du type [[Insecte]] est [[Mégacorne]]. {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="700px" ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | Pokémon sans double-type |- | 010 {{miniature|010}} [[Chenipan]] || 011 {{miniature|011}} [[Chrysacier]] || 127 {{miniature|127}} [[Scarabrute]] || 204 {{miniature|204}} [[Pomdepik]] |- | 265 {{miniature|265}} [[Chenipotte]] || 266 {{miniature|266}} [[Armulys]] || 268 {{miniature|268}} [[Blindalys]] || 313 {{miniature|313}} [[Muciole]] |- | 314 {{miniature|314}} [[Lumivole]] || 401 {{miniature|401}} [[Crikzik]] || 402 {{miniature|402}} [[Mélokrik]] || 412 {{miniature|412}} [[Cheniti]] |- | 493 {{miniature|493}} [[Arceus]]{{Infobulle|[[Plaquinsect|*]]|S'il tient la Plaquinsect uniquement}} || 588 {{miniature|588}} [[Carabing]] || 616 {{miniature|616}} [[Escargaume]] || 617 {{miniature|617}} [[Limaspeed]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Acier]]/Insecte |- | 205 {{miniature|205}} [[Foretress]] || 212 {{miniature|212}} [[Cizayox]] || 413 {{miniature|413|d}} [[Cheniselle]]{{Infobulle|[[Forme|*]]|Si Cheniti a évolué sous sa forme Plante uniquement}} || 589 {{miniature|589}} [[Lançargot]] |- | colspan="2" | 632 {{miniature|632}} [[Fermite]] || colspan="2" | 649 {{miniature|649}} [[Genesect]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Combat]]/Insecte |- | colspan="4" | 214 {{miniature|214}} [[Scarhino]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Eau]]/Insecte |- | colspan="4" | 283 {{miniature|283}} [[Arakdo]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Électrique (type)|Électrique]]/Insecte |- | colspan="2" | 595 {{miniature|595}} [[Statitik]] || colspan="2" | 593 {{miniature|596}} [[Mygavolt]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Feu (type)|Feu]]/Insecte |- | colspan="2" | 636 {{miniature|636}} [[Pyronille]] || colspan="2" | 637 {{miniature|637}} [[Pyrax]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Plante (type)|Plante]]/Insecte |- | 046 {{miniature|046}} [[Paras]] || 047 {{miniature|047}} [[Parasect]] || 413 {{miniature|413}} [[Cheniselle]]{{Infobulle|[[Forme|*]]|Si Cheniti a évolué sous sa forme Plante uniquement}} || 540 {{miniature|540}} [[Larveyette]] |- | colspan="2" | 541 {{miniature|541}} [[Couverdure]] || colspan="2" | 542 {{miniature|542}} [[Manternel]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Poison (type)|Poison]]/Insecte |- | 013 {{miniature|013}} [[Aspicot]] || 014 {{miniature|014}} [[Coconfort]] || 015 {{miniature|015}} [[Dardargnan]] || 048 {{miniature|048}} [[Mimitoss]] |- | 049 {{miniature|049}} [[Aéromite]] || 167 {{miniature|167}} [[Mimigal]] || 168 {{miniature|168}} [[Migalos]] || 269 {{miniature|269}} [[Papinox]] |- | 451 {{miniature|451}} [[Rapion]] || 543 {{miniature|543}} [[Venipatte]] || 544 {{miniature|544}} [[Scobolide]] || {{miniature|545}} [[Brutapode]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Roche (type)|Roche]]/Insecte |- | 213 {{miniature|213}} [[Caratroc]] || 347 {{miniature|347}} [[Anorith]] || 348 {{miniature|348}} [[Armaldo]] || 557 {{miniature|557}} [[Crabicoque]] |- | 558 colspan="4" | {{miniature|558}} [[Crabaraque]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Sol]]/Insecte |- | colspan="2" | 290 {{miniature|290}} [[Ningale]] || colspan="2" | 413 {{miniature|413|s}} [[Cheniselle]]{{Infobulle|[[Forme|*]]|Si Cheniti a évolué sous sa forme Sable uniquement}} |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Spectre]]/Insecte |- | colspan="4" | 292 {{miniature|292}} [[Munja]] |- ! style="background:{{Couleur|Insecte}}" colspan="4" | [[Vol (type)|Vol]]/Insecte |- | 012 {{miniature|012}} [[Papilusion]] || 123 {{miniature|123}} [[Insécateur]] ||165 {{miniature|165}} [[Coxy]] || 166 {{miniature|166}} [[Coxyclaque]] |- | 193 {{miniature|193}} [[Yanma]] || 267 {{miniature|267}} [[Charmillon]] || 284 {{miniature|284}} [[Maskadra]] || 291 {{miniature|291}} [[Ninjask]] |- | 414 {{miniature|414}} [[Papilord]] || 415 {{miniature|415}} [[Apitrini]] || 416 {{miniature|416}} [[Apireine]] ||469 {{miniature|469}} [[Yanméga]] |- |} {{Types}} [[Catégorie:Type]] [[Catégorie:Pokémon de type Insecte|*]] {{#set:Catégorie du type=Physique}} <!-- liens un peu particuliers --> [[Equivalent URI::| ]] [[de:Käfer (Typ)]] [[en:Bug (type)]] [[es:Tipo Bicho]] [[it:Coleottero (tipo)]] [[ja:むし]] [[pl:Robak (typ)]] [[pt:Tipo Bug]]' ], 18 => [ 0 => 'AFPData', 1 => 'string', 2 => ' Cut-throat running requires ultralight shoes, but training is usually done with heavier, a lot more supportive shoes which protect against injury. Making use of light hiking boot styles for <a href=>cheap air jordans</a> running training offers superior leg support and joint-protection pillow. They also tend to use more durable, weather-resistant materials. The particular drawbacks, however, lay in their weight, together with passive tread patterns and limited ft . mobility. Hiking shoes are unusable within a competitive running surroundings. Resources Selecting hiking shoes Trail running shoes and equipment Article Written By Greg Smith Trail running and also hiking may adhere to the same terrain, but they require some certain footwear designs. Hiking is slow as well as <a href=>jordans sale</a> methodical, and sometimes entails carrying a load possibly on a short evening hike. Lightweight hiking boots, though much less bulky as their large counterparts, still retain extra material around the ankle, as well as significant cushion and assistance at the footbed. Hikers generally choose running footwear because of weight reduction, that may be significant even with trainers. Many people likewise find they prefer the additional attention to pronation that running shoes offer, as well as their cool and sweat-managing materials. A few running shoes also offer aggressive tread designs which can be better suited to cunning rock than regular hikers. Running shoes complete, however, sacrifice ankle support, making injury more likely, as well as product durability and water-resistance. Hiking Shoes for Running Greg Johnson earned his Bachelor of Martial arts disciplines in creative writing from The Ohio School. He has been a professional article author since 2008, specializing in outdoors content as well as instruction. Johnson's poetry features appeared in such magazines as "Sphere" and "17 1/2 Newspaper." Trail <a href=>air jordans</a> Running Shoes Vs Hiking <a href=>jordan shoes sale</a> Boots | Hiking Lightweight climbing boots and piste running shoes share numerous features. Both make use of helpful, lightweight materials plus they feature similar low-cut types. Because of this, many walkers purchase runners to put on on light time hikes, or opt for especially light shoes or boots for trail operating. Both pairings have pros and cons. Hiking Versus Athletic shoes Running sneakers are made for mild and fast take a trip. They sacrifice assist in lieu of featherweight designs while focusing more on pronation---extension of the foot---than about cushioning. However, bulkier, more supportive jogging shoes are often used for training, and these versions occasionally appear similar to gentle hiking boots. Running Shoes or boots for Hiking Show other post: <a href=>fashion style new for you 252941</a> <a href=>fashion style new for you 720496</a>' ], 19 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'diff', 2 => [ 0 => 'old_wikitext', 1 => 'new_wikitext' ] ], 20 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'length', 2 => [ 0 => 'new_wikitext' ] ], 21 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'length', 2 => [ 0 => 'old_wikitext' ] ], 22 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'subtract', 2 => [ 0 => 'new_size', 1 => 'old_size' ] ], 23 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'diff-split', 2 => [ 0 => 'edit_diff', 1 => '+' ] ], 24 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'diff-split', 2 => [ 0 => 'edit_diff', 1 => '-' ] ], 25 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'links-from-wikitext', 2 => [ 0 => 0, 1 => 'Insecte', 2 => 'new_wikitext' ] ], 26 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'links-from-wikitext-or-database', 2 => [ 0 => 0, 1 => 'Insecte', 2 => 'old_wikitext' ] ], 27 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'link-diff-added', 2 => [ 0 => 'old_links', 1 => 'all_links' ] ], 28 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'link-diff-removed', 2 => [ 0 => 'old_links', 1 => 'all_links' ] ], 29 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'parse-wikitext', 2 => [ 0 => 0, 1 => 'Insecte', 2 => 'new_wikitext' ] ], 30 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'strip-html', 2 => [ 0 => 'new_html' ] ], 31 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'parse-wikitext-nonedit', 2 => [ 0 => 0, 1 => 'Insecte', 2 => 'old_wikitext' ] ], 32 => [ 0 => 'AFComputedVariable', 1 => 'strip-html', 2 => [ 0 => 'old_html' ] ], 33 => [ 0 => 'AFPData', 1 => 'string', 2 => 'filter' ], 34 => [ 0 => 'AFPData', 1 => 'int', 2 => 1347786240 ] ]